Addison Lin Wang
Addison Lin Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Thrust of Information Hub and an Affiliate Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). I am leadning Visual Learning and Intelligent Systems (VLIS) LAB @ HKUST, GZ Campus. I was a Postdoc researcher in the visual intelligence(VI) lab at KAIST from August to Decemeber, 2021. I finished my Ph.D. degree in VI Lab at KAIST, supervised by Prof. Kuk-Jin Yoon from KAIST and advised by Prof. Tae-Kyun Kim from Imperial College London. In the three years of my Ph.D. study on computer vision and AI for intelligent systems, I had collaborated with my friend Dr. Mohammad Mostafavi from GIST, Korea. I also had a chance to work with Prof. Sung-Eui Yoon from the School of Computing at KAIST. Before August 2018, I was a Ph.D. candidate in the Dept. of Industrial & Systems Eng. and School of Computing at KAIST. I am working on computer vision, computational photography, deep learning, MR/AR for intelligent systems. I am leading research on computer vision with Neuropmorphic/Thermal/360 cameras, Computer vision for AR/VR, Adverse vision problems, and Deep learning methods for intelligent mobile sytems. He has also been working with Prof. Yishan Shen on the security problems of smart city and Prof. Lik-hang Lee on the metaverse for city-human interaction.
I am currently looking for well-motivated graduate students, research intern or posdoc researchers to join my group. If you are interested in our research, please reach out to me via email by sending your CV and research statement (mandatory). Those accepted students and researchers will be well paid. We aim to make leading research on the fields of novel camera-based computer vision, computational imaging, efficient deep learning methods, and computer vision-supported AR/MR/metaverse for intelligent mobile systems. Currently, the addimission for PhD/Mphil is still ongoing, please check the HKUST Guangzhou Pilot Scheme.
I am not often updating my personal page, recent updates can be found in our lab homepage.