Welcome to VLIS LAB @ HKUST-GZ and HKUST

We focus on computer and robotic vision with AI for intelligent systems.
We explore the cutting-edge research methodologies and techiniques with passion and motivation.

Check the latest news in our group!

Our mission in AI era

We strive to overcome the challenges and difficuits of tranditional computer vision.

We actively excavate the potential of new camera sensors and learning methodlogies. We aim to make intelligent systems work in all vsiual conditions!


What do we research?

We cover a variety of reserach topics in computer vision and deep learning. We especially emphasize the importance of combining new camera sensors and learning methodologies for computer vision and intelligent sytems.

Our research can be freely applied to various intelligent systems, such as self-driving cars, smart city, intellligent transportation, smart argricuture, healthcare, etc.

if you are interested, please feel free to contact us!


Our research highlight!

Check our resarch interest!

Check our publications in computer vision/graphics, interaction, and machine learning.


Check the latest news!